Thursday, June 12, 2008

Homeschooling and more children

I can't stop thinking about Aidan's options for school. The local school is not the answer, but can we afford private without me working? I have looked into homeschooling and I am overwhelmed. Montessori, Classical, Abeka- just to name a few. How would I structure my day? I am the type to be a perfectionist about everything, and if I can't do it right I give up. I spend so much time every day thinking about this dilemma. Will he get enough social interaction if I keep him in sports, church, and lessons? Can I handle the stress?
Another main concern is if we want more children. I don't feel "done" yet, but I don't know if I can handle 3. I only have 2 arms! If we have a third, law school is out of the question. I guess I am torn between having a desire to have a career verus staying at home. I like being there for the boys, but it seems like such a waste of education to stay at home. It is a bit lonely as well...

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