Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1st Grade!

So, today the school bus arrived nice and early to take all of the neighborhood kids to school... It was the first day back for the local schools, but we started back with our school work 3-4 weeks ago (so we can break when the weather is nice and cool). We are loving homeschooling right now! Today we did our schoolwork, went to a bowling playdate with our homeschooling group, and spent an hour at the pool.

Our school choices this year:
Math- Saxon 2
Reading- Abeka, Explode the Code Online, Phonics Pathways, HOP
Spelling- Hooked on Spelling
Science and History- Well Trained Mind choices (classical)
Electives- Hooked on Spanish, Abeka Health
Classes- Homeschool Gymnastics, Art, Geography, and Music
And lots of trips to the museum, zoo, and LIBRARY!

This year we switched our math program from Math-U-See (used Alpha last year) to Saxon 2 this year. The boys like Saxon much better. I say boys, because Preston sits there and counts, skip counts, and answers the questions with his brother. He also insists on reading his brother's 1st and 2nd grade reading material, annoying Aidan greatly. :)

I am really looking forward to a great year. Last year I was not at all confident, but I am learning more each year!

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