Sunday, November 15, 2009

Taking Facebook too far

Lately I have been thinking about how much I hate Facebook. What? HATE Facebook? But, you think to yourself, you are ON Facebook! Yes, yes- I am. I don't hate Facebook per se... I hate the people who seem to make their lives exist entirely on Facebook.

Lets call them... The Facebook Freaks.

I see the updates- I know when you are buying a purple virtual cow to live on your virtual farm, I see how often you have won a bejeweled game (and I note that you have been on facebook all day playing this to get the highest score), I have received your virtual hugs, kisses, and even your virtual martini. If you want to buy me a drink, please make it something I can enjoy!

This facebook freak also supports every cause- lets save the rainforests, reduce toxic waste, lets save the whole freakin planet from our computer! If you would just join me in my plight by clicking a button, we can save the world! Woooo!!!

Why do these people live entirely online? When did living on facebook become acceptable socially? Will these people get married online? Post their vows on their walls?

I would apologize to the person whom this offends, but frankly if you are offended- well, just send me a virtual butt kicking. I can take it.

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